During pregnancy, rapid and subtle physiological changes are observed from conception to birth. Nutrition and other lifestyle factors before and during pregnancy have been shown in the literature to influence the health of both mother and child. A healthy and varied diet during pregnancy can provide adequate energy and nutrients for both the mother and the growing fetus. Current research focuses on the periconceptional phase, which includes the early processes of gametogenesis, embryogenesis and placentation. A variety of abnormalities and pregnancy-related problems occur during this period, including congenital defects, fetal loss, miscarriage and preterm birth. A varied and balanced diet during periconception is important to maintain fetal development and growth. To date, numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of consuming different nutrients, foods or food groups during pregnancy on the health of mother and child. For example, the Mediterranean diet is considered as a balanced, nutrient-rich diet due to the low consumption of meat products and fatty foods and the high consumption of vegetables, cheese, olive oil, fish, shellfish and little meat. While many studies have been conducted in the literature to investigate the effects of a Mediterranean diet during pregnancy on fetal health, the results have been inconclusive. The aim of this article is to review the current literature on the Mediterranean diet during pregnancy.
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