Achille Bertelli was an aeronautics pioneer and an innovative entrepreneur of the pharmaceutical industry. After graduating in Chemistry in Italy, he moved to the United States of America where he opened a chemical-pharmaceutical laboratory in San Francisco in 1879, and later moved back to Italy where he opened a chemical and pharmaceutical industry in Milan (1886). The “A. Bertelli” pharmaceutical company developed the famous cough pills “Catramina Bertelli”, as well as new cosmetics and perfumes.
Apart from his chemical experience, Achille Bertelli was a passionate aeronautics expert. He wrote many essays on this topic and devoted himself to aeronautical experiments by designing theapparatus “Autovol”, “Aerocurvo”, “Autovol no. 2”, “Autovolno. 3", which are considered the prototypes of the helicopter. Achille Bertelli was also the president of the Electric Company of Salò, which installed an electrical system that served the lighting in many cities on Lake Garda (Italy). Finally, Achille Bertelli also participated in the Italian revival after the First World War, especially by supporting the agricultural revival. Throughout his life, Achille Bertelli teamed with several famous people from all over Italy, such as Gabriele D’Annunzio, Cesare Lombroso and Cordero di Montezemolo. Today, Achille Bertelli’s interest for natural molecules, his ideas, and his entrepreneurial approach are carried forward by his descendant, Matteo Bertelli.
[2] Bertelli, Achille. Treccani. Available at: https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/achille-bertelli_%28Enciclopedia-Italiana%29/. Accessed on 08/08/2022.
[3] Così le idee di Achille Bertelli possono ispirare l’Italia di domani. Biotecnologie news. Available at: https://www.biotecnologienews. it/2020/11/03/cosi-le-idee-di-achille-bertelli-possonoispirare-litalia-del-domani/. Accessed on 01/01/2022.
[4] Il Fronte del Cielo. Le Origini. Available at: http://www.ilfrontedelcielo.it/files_0/2_origini.htm. Accessed on 08/08/2022).
[5] Cordero di Montezemolo, Vittorio. Treccani. Available at: https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/cordero-di-montezemolovittorio_%28Dizionario-Biografico%29/. Accessed on 08/08/2022.
[6] Bertelli A. Pump. Available at: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/90/0b/81/c83c8da1c8b6a5/US1028665.pdf. Accessed on 08/08/2022.
[7] Bertelli. Aerostave. Available at: http://all-aero.com/index.php/contactus/61-lighter-than-air/18509-bertelli-aerostave. Accessed on 08/08/2022.
[8] Bresciani per l’Unità d’Italia. Marcello Zane. Available at: http://wwwdata.unibg.it/dati/bacheca/1030/49018.pdf. Accessed on 08/08/2022.
[9] Bertelli, Achille. Treccani enciclopedia online. Available at: https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/achille-bertelli/. Accessed on 08/08/2022.
[10] Pubblicità Bertelli’s Catramin Pillole. Available at: https://www.alamy.it/foto-immagine-vittoriano-originale-annuncio-circa-1892-pubblicita-bertellis-catramin-pillole-39940380.html. Accessed on 08/08/2022