Water holds great relevance in various biological and biochemical systems. Water behaves as an excellent solvent, a reactant, a product and a catalyst of the reaction. The organisation of the water molecules, synergised by hydrogen bonds, builds up the structure of the water clusters. These water clusters significantly influence biological functions. To study the domain of water clusters using Ion mobility mass spectrometry with surface activated chemical ionisation. The experimental analysis was aimed to determine the water behaviour in terms of cluster formation before and after the application of a physical effect, namely low-frequency irradiation. A sanist platform-based spectrometer, manufactured by ISB srl with SACI version for protein analysis, was used as the equipment. Furthermore, for samples, we used pure de-ionised water, a part of which was used virgin, and another part was irradiated. Ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IM-MS) procedure was adopted as the experimental method. An electromagnetic frequency fields generator was used to subject the test samples to electromagnetic radiations between 7 Hz to 80 Hz. The presence of neutral water species was confirmed in the water samples. For the same m/z, water ion clusters in the untreated water were found to have a much higher intensity than the electromagnetically treated water. The presence of a water cluster near the (M+H)+ in electromagnetically treated dilute arginine solution was also confirmed. It is possible to detect water ion clusters by using Ion mobility mass spectrometry and SACI with low surface potential (47 V). The water cluster formation and its characteristics were found to be different in the treated and non-treated water. The electromagnetic radiations of low frequency seem to affect the hydrogen bonds of the water molecules.
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