In recent decades, also driven by the European Union, aquaculture has undergone significant development to meet the increasing demand for seafood products. However, the concentration of efforts and resources in the fishing industry raises complex ethical issues that have yet to be fully explored, concerning animal welfare, environmental impact, and social justice. Balancing economic interests with environmental and ethical concerns is a challenging yet crucial task to ensuring a sustainable future for aquaculture. The adoption of ethical values in the fishing industry not only promotes sustainability but also fosters consumer trust in responsible food sourcing. Interventions such as developing animal welfare standards, implementing sustainable farming techniques, adopting environmental management policies, and promoting ethically responsible business practices are pivotal. A multidimensional approach is essential to ensure an ethical and sustainable future for aquaculture, critical for global food security and marine environmental well-being. This holistic approach requires collaborative efforts from various stakeholders, including policymakers, researchers, industry players, and consumers, to address the multifaceted challenges faced by the aquaculture sector. Additionally, raising awareness among consumers about the impact of their choices on the environment and animal welfare can further drive the demand for ethically produced seafood and encourage responsible practices within the industry.
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