Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between parity and obesity in Iranian women.
Methods: In a cross-sectional study, a total of 6447 urban women aged 40-65 were studied. A face-to-face interview was conducted by trained personnel. Statistical associations between parity and obesity using the multivariate logistic regression model were examined.
Results: The mean age of the enrolled women was 48.4 ± 6.1 years. The mean BMI was 27.55 ± 4.5 Kg/m2. Of the total participants enrolled, 3517 (54.6%) had <3 parities, while 2930 (54.4%) had ≥3 parities. The prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥30 Kg/m2) and overweight (30> BMI ≥25) was 27.50 % (95% CI 26.85-28.15) and 43.70% (95% CI 42.98-44.42), respectively. After adjustment for potential confounders, women with ≥3 parities were at higher risk of being obese (OR 1.19, 95% CI 1.05-1.35).
Conclusion: There was a statistically significant positive association between higher parity and obesity. According to the results of this study, Body Mass Index (BMI) is associated with high parity in Iranian women. It is recommended that health policymakers plan appropriate weight loss programs for postpartum.
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