Influenza B viruses are still characterized by a substantial public health burden, particularly among children and at-risk subjects. The conventional trivalent influenza vaccines showed a limited capability to induce an effective protection when major or minor mismatches between influenza B vaccine component and circulating strains occurred. The inclusion of a second B strain in influenza vaccine may contribute to overcome the well-known difficulties related to the prediction of the circulating B lineage and the choice of the influenza B vaccine component.
In recent years, two quadrivalent influenza vaccines have been evaluated in different clinical trials for safety, tolerability and immunogenicity and licensed for human use.
Available simulation models about the inclusion of quadrivalent vaccines in influenza immunization programs demonstrated the substantial health benefits, reducing the number of symptomatic influenza cases, their complications and mortality.
In the next future, evaluations from simulation model should be confirmed by on-field effectiveness studies and more cost-effectiveness analyses should be conducted in order to verify the expected benefits.
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