A school-based intervention against tobacco consumption for students of physiotherapy: a three-years not randomized trial



The aim of the study is to assess the efficacy of a school-based intervention for reducing tobacco consumption among physiotherapy students.

Materials And Methods

The controlled trial involved two groups of physiotherapy students. The treatment consisted of a seminar on smoking related diseases (2 hours) and  of a training in a service of respiratory diseases or thoracic surgery (at least 10 months). The control group (B) didnât undertake any treatment. The main outcome was the prevalence of smokers. The follow up lasted 3 years.


78 students were involved in the treated group (A) and 72 in the control group (B). The two groups didnât differ in term of gender distribution, mean age, smokers prevalence and nicotine dependence. Comparing the smokersâ prevalence in group A between T0 and T1 (3 years), the RR at T1 was 0.93 (CI 95%: 0.6-1.44) and the prevalence decreased from 36% to 33%. Among group B the prevalence between T0 and T1 increased passing from 28% to 35% with a RR at T1 of 1.26 (0.76-2.11). The reduction of smokersâ prevalence âattributableâ to the intervention in the treated group was  7.7 %, while an increase of 27.8 % of smokersâ prevalence âattributableâ to the lack of the intervention was found in the control group. No statistical differences have been found.


School-based interventions seem to be effective in reducing the smokers prevalence among healthcare students involved. Further researches, with a wider sample and standardized methodology are required to confirm these preliminary findings.



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