Effectiveness of a vaccine recovery plan after the COVID-19 pandemic. Results of one year follow-up.


COVID-19 pandemic
childhood immunization
vaccine coverage
missed vaccinations
recovery plan
vaccine-preventable diseases
catch-up programmes


Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has strongly impacted on the immunization services around the world. In this study, we assessed the effects of a recovery plan of missed vaccinations on routine childhood VC in the Province of Siracusa (Italy).  

Methods. We compared 2021 and 2020 vaccination coverage by age group and vaccine type, evaluating the vaccination coverage of the same subjects reported in a previous publication, after one year of follow-up of the recovery plan. Results were considered statistically significant at a two-tailed p-value ≤0.05.

Results. 36-month coverage rates were 92.5% for polio and 93.7% for measles-containing-vaccine, representing -0.3% and -1.8% decreases, respectively, as compared to 2020. By 8 years of age (booster doses), immunisation coverage was 80.7% for polio and 80.1% for measles, representing a -5.7% and -3.7%, respectively, compared to 2020. 36-month coverage was 56.6% for Men B (-5.0% as compared to 2020), 73.2% for Men ACW135Y/C (+1.1% as compared to 2020) and 86.9% for PNC vaccine (-1.7%, as compared to 2020).  Regarding HPV vaccination, in 2021, vaccine coverage was 44.2% (-4.4% compared to 2020).

Conclusions. This study assessed the significant recovery of missed vaccinations due to the pandemic after one year of follow up of the recovery plan. Compared to the previous report, the VC difference among the cohorts narrowed for all vaccinations, except for the anti-men B and for the anti-HPV vaccination, and for men ACW135Y/C, for which a significant increase in 2021 VC compared to 2020 has been recorded.



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