INTRODUCTION – A promising approach in order to increase adolescents’ adhesion to anti-HPV immunization is the administration of the vaccines within educational institutes. Taranto Local Health Unit experimented two different strategies of universal proposal for the vaccination of 12 year olds: the first is in the traditional call from the clinic while the second involves schools within the territory. The objective of the study is to evaluate the results of these strategies on different genders and different urban contests in order to identify an effective process that can lead to optimal coverage.
METHODS – In order to estimate the number of anti-HPV doses administrated to the adolescents of the 2003 cohort, data from the Puglia region’s computerized vaccine registry have been used. Coverages of the anti-HPV vaccinations have been analyzed, dividing these by gender, proposal strategy and district size. Analyses were performed by using STATA SE 14.
RESULTS – The multiple logistic regression underlines that female sex (OR = 3.2; p < 0.01), living in a small community (OR = 1.3; p < 0.01) and school vaccination program (OR = 2; p < 0.01) increase the probability of completing the anti-HPV vaccination cycle in adolescents. The comparative evaluation of the anti-HPV coverage based on proposal strategies, shows that the school vaccination leads to significantly better results compared to the clinic vaccination, for all the groups taken into account (overall 72.3% vs 55.6%)
CONCLUSIONS – The involvement of educational institutes can define a winning organization model in order to obtain a bigger adhesion of adolescents to immunization programs, especially for the male sex and in bigger communities.
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