Effect of mass media on influenza vaccine coverage in the season 2014/2015: a regional survey in Lazio, Italy.


Mass media
Vaccine coverage
Anti-flu vaccine


Introduction. Adherence to vaccination program for Influenza virus is an important issue of Public Health in presence of many no-vaccine tendencies. The media event of some deaths after MF59 adjuvanted vaccine administration has characterized the season 2014/15 vaccination program in Italy. Aim of the study is vaccination adherence assessment of the current season with regards to local health units (LHU) responsibleâs perceptions in Lazio Region (IT).

Methods. LHU responsibleâs perceptions were collected from an informal questionnaire that was send via email to the all 12 LHU responsibles. The questionnaire was built with 4 questions concerning the impression about the vaccination adherence of elderly people in the current season. Data from questionnaire was compared with the official coverage rate obtained by the Regional Authority. Severe adverse events were collected by 1 LHU.

Results.  All the 12 LHU responsibles answered to our questionnaire: 7/12 (50%) predicted a coverage rate of at least 50%; 3/12 (25%) referred a coverage rate around 40-45%; 2/12 (17%) predicted a reduction of 5-10% less than the previous season. Indeed, a mean 49.1% vaccination coverage in the elderly has been reported by the regional authority highlighting a reduction of 10% less than the 2013/14 season coverage. No severe adverse events were observed.

Discussion. In our survey an important effect of media event on anti-flu vaccination program adherence has been evidenced, with a failure in communication and joint management of Public Health Institutions in Italy about efficacy and safety information of flu vaccine.  



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