Basing patient safety education on real student experience: development of a multinational simulation scenario




emotional safety; undergraduate nursing education; simulation; patient safety



Implicit learning during clinical placements includes patient safety issues. Simulation scenarios offer ways to improve the learning process and students’ awareness of patient safety.  The aim of this study was to develop a prototype simulation scenario based on real student experiences.


This was a mixed-method study using a multi-phase design. Nursing students’ experiences of workplace events they identified as possible threats to patient safety were collected between 2017 and 2019. These experiences were used to develop an interprofessional scenario about patient safety. 


A range of scenario materials were produced including a video. Participation in the scenario video had positive impacts including: “feeling safer” while performing nursing activities and more timely detection and reporting of errors. Nursing students reported that participation in the scenario taught important lessons about patient safety, communication, listening to patients and healthcare collaboration.


The role-playing methodology of the scenario provided opportunities for reflection on patient safety and improved interprofessional understanding and communication in an emotionally safe environment.


Bagnasco A, Zanini M, Catania G, Aleo G, Turunen H, Tella S, Sara-Aho Arja, Vizcaya-Moreno MF, Pérez-Cañaveras RM, Myhre K, Ringstad Ø, Ekman Gerd A-S, Porras J, Rossi S, Morey S, Johnsen L, Patterson L, Larkin V, Azimirad M, Khakurel J, Dasso N, Haatainen K, Timmins F, Wilson-Menzfeld G, Sasso L, Pearson P, Steven A. Learning From Student Experience: Development of an International Multimodal Patient Safety Education Package. Nurse Educ 2022;47(4):E75-E79. doi:10.1097/NNE.0000000000001138

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Bagnasco A, Zanini M, Catania G, Aleo G, Turunen H, Tella S, Sara-Aho A, Vizcaya-Moreno MF, Pérez-Cañaveras RM, Myhre K, Ringstad Ø, Ekman Gerd AS, Porras J, Rossi S, Morey S, Johnsen L, Patterson L, Larkin V, Azimirad M, Khakurel J, Dasso N, Haatainen K, Timmins F, Wilson G, Sasso L, Pearson P, Steven A. Learning from student experience: development of an international multi-modal patient safety education package. Nurse Educ doi:10.1097/nne.0000000000001138