Advancing nursing in Italy through the development and evaluation of an innovative postgraduate programme in Family and Community Nursing - A pilot study


Postgraduate Nursing Programme
Blended Learning
Family and Community Nursing



Due to the impact on the public health systems of the ageing and the increasing frailty of the population, the European Union and the World Health Organisation have emphasised how family and community nurses (FCNs) could play an important in supporting the ageing process through prevention, promotion, and protection in the territory.


This study describes the first experience in Italy of a one-year postgraduate course divided into 5 modules for FCNs piloted as part of the EuropeaN curriculum for fAmily aNd Community nursE (ENhANCE) 2018-2020 project, funded by the European Commission. Participants included a total of 45 students and 23 lecturers and a team of clinical tutors.


The Italian pilot course for the FCNs proved to be a successful example of innovative teaching methods using blended didactic methods, which enabled participants to achieve high-standard learning outcomes and competencies in the field of family and community nursing.


The pilot course described in this paper is well suited to preparing highly skilled family and community nurses to meet the growing healthcare needs of the population. Therefore, we have planned to replicate this course to increase the workforce of family and community nurses, who through their healthcare services aimed at prevention, promotion and protection, will be able to ensure high quality services to the public and consequently relieve the burden on acute hospitals.


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