Background. Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) is condition in which body is underweight or thin and the body has insufficient reserves of energy intake, this condition occurs due to a lack of nutrients. A person's condition can be said to be CED if the Mid-Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) is low or <23,5 cm. Women of Reproductive Age (WRA) who experience CED will have an impact on pregnancy. Based on the 2017 World Health Organization (WHO) the percentage of CED in pregnancy globally is 35-75% and deaths in developing countries related CED are 40%.
Methods. Research design Descriptive analytic cross-sectional approach. The population WRA with a population of 7,183 the sample being 143 WRA. The analysis is univariate, bivariate (Chi-square) and multivariate (Regretion Logistic)
Results. found that the determinants of CED were age at risk (p=0,037), not working (p=0,748), low education (p=0,069), number of small family members (p=0,046), there is a history of infection in the last 1 month (p=0,259), energy intake is less (p=0,014), food intake less protein (p=0,242), less fat intake (p=0,378), less carbohydrate intake (p=0,027) and less frequency of main meals (p=0,620) and factors that affect CED, namely age, energy intake and interaction of protein intake by number of families members. The dominant factor is the interaction between protein intake and the number of family members (p=0,030)
Conclusion. The determinants of CED are age, energy intake and the interaction of protein intake by number of families members, the dominant factor is the interaction between protein intake and the number of family members
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