Introduction: The low non-compliance to the consumption of Iron Tablets in pregnant women is an obstacle in the implementation of government programs to prevent and overcome the anemia problems in pregnant women. This study was conducted to determine the probability of non-compliance of pregnant women in the consumption of iron tablets in Indonesia.
Methods: A cross-sectional study using the 2017 IDHS data. The sample was 12,466 women of childbearing age 15-49 years in Indonesia who consumed Iron Tablets during their last pregnancy. Univariate analysis used proportion measure, the bivariate analysis using chi-square test and multivariate used binary logistic regression test. Statistical analysis using SPSS-26 software.
Results: The level of non-compliance to the consumption of Iron Tablets during pregnancy in Indonesia is only 48.47%. The risk factors for quantity (p = 0.000, OR 2.085), and quality (p = 0.000, OR 1.655) Antenatal Care (ANC) was not good, examiners were pregnancy not health workers (p = 0.000, OR 1.816), residence in rural areas (p = 0.000, OR 1.262), and very poor socioeconomic status (p value= 0.000, OR 2.041) were significantly related to non-compliance with Iron Tablets consumption. The probability of non-compliance to the consumption of Iron Tablets in pregnant women with risk factors is 88%.
Conclusion: Quantity of ANC and socioeconomic have a high influence on compliance to consumption of iron tablets, so it is important to bring nutrition workers at ANC activities to educate pregnant women about the benefits, side effects, and ways of consumption of iron tablets, reactivate supervisors for consumption of iron tablets, increase access health services in rural areas and families with low socioeconomic status, as well as providing free health care programs for the poor.
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