Knowledge and attitudes on smoking cessation of e-cigarettes: a mixed-methods study of pharmacy students in Surabaya, Indonesia


pharmacist students
smoking cessation


BACKGROUND: Pharmacy students as candidates for health workers who will take part in smoking cessation. Knowledge and attitudes of smoking cessation can help map the behavior of pharmacists in the future. This study aimed to explore knowledge and attitudes on smoking cessation of e-cigarettes with the mixed methods study of pharmacist students.

METHOD: This research was conducted in Januari-Juni 2021 in Surabaya. The research design was mix-method with sequential explanatory strategy. The variables were knowledge and attitudes on smoking cessation of e-cigarettes. The sample in this qualitative approach was derived from a sample of quantitative data. Respondents were interviewed in depth until the data reached the saturation level in order to obtain good and usable qualitative data.

RESULT: This study involved 31 respondents. The highest level of knowledge about dangers of e-cigarettes, especially related to nicotine (100% of respondents answered correctly). The highest positive level of attitude about dangers of e-cigarettes, especially e-cigarettes harmful to passive smokers (27% of respondents had positive attitude). Cigarettes were harmful to lung and cardiovascular health, regarding the dangers of passive smoking, some agree and disagree. Non-smokers didn’t need to be recommended for e-cigarettes, e-cigarettes can be recommended for tobacco smokers, e-cigarettes cause addiction, and e-cigarettes can be a good recommendation for those who want to carry out smoking cessation. Regulation of e-cigarettes in Indonesia was considered to be lacking and needs to be improved.

CONCLUSION: Pharmacist students have a good level of knowledge and a positive attitude towards smoking cessation.


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