Oral Hygiene practices and Oral Health Related Quality of Life observed in patients reporting to Dental Institution in North India during COVID-19 Pandemic


Oral Health, Quality of Life, COVID-19


Objective: The purpose of the study was to ascertain Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQOL) and evaluate oral  hygiene practices in patients visiting a dental institution during COVID time.

Material & Methods: Face-to face interviews were conducted using a semi-structured close-ended questionnaire, assessing oral hygiene practices and self-reported oral problems perceived in last 6 months, using both Hindi and English version of Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) Questionnaire. Frequency distribution of oral hygiene practices were obtained and Descriptive statistics computed the scores of OHIP-14. Kruskal-wallis test and Independent t-test were used to compare the association of OHIP-14 with demographic variables. Multiple linear regression analysis was utilized to compute the association of OHIP-14 with independent variables, age and gender.

Results: Subjective evaluation of OHRQOL (Oral Health Related Quality of Life) using OHIP-14 Porforma resulted in high score for  physical pain and psychological discomfort but subjects expressed less discomfort in relation to functional limitation, physical disability, psychological discomfort, social disability and handicap domains of OHIP-14. With progressive increase in age OHRQOL worsened.  Females had poor OHRQOL, with significant difference as compared to males. Gender and marital status observed  variance in OHIP-14 with statistically significant difference (P<0.000). More than two-third subjects preferred cleaning their teeth using toothbrush and toothpaste. Therefore, COVID-19 consequently impacted OHRQOL of the general population.



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