Introduction: The present study aims to characterize knowledge, attitudes and practices in a sample of occupational physicians (OPh) towards pertussis immunization in healthcare workers (HCWs).
Material and Methods: A total of 148 OPh (45.9% males, mean age of 40.3±13.2 years) compiled a web questionnaire including a knowledge test on Italian recommendations for HCWs, epidemiology and pathology of pertussis infection, being then investigated about risk perceptions and vaccination practices. A General Knowledge Score (GKS) and a Risk Perception Score (RPS) were calculated. Multivariate odds ratios (OR) for predictors of vaccine propensity were calculated through regression analysis.
Results: 78 participants regularly recalled pertussis vaccination status and/or performed pertussis vaccination in HCWs (52.7%). Proactive status was correlated with the aim to avoid pertussis infection in HCWs and its diffusion to other adults (p < 0.001, both statements). GKS was satisfying (72.4%±14.9), but participants underestimated the clinical issues of pertussis infection (RPS 60.8%±9.5) when confronted with influenza (73.9%±10.9) and HBV infection (68.1%±10.1). GKS and RPS were well correlated (r = 0.244, p = 0.003). Eventually, a better GKS and the aim to avoid pertussis infection in HCWs were predictive of a proactive status for pertussis vaccination (OR 4.186 95%CI 1.809–9.685 and OR 11.459, 95%CI 3.312–39.651, respectively).
Conclusions: Adherence of OPh to HCWs pertussis vaccination was unsatisfying. As knowledge status was predictive for vaccine propensity, information programs for OPh should be more appropriately designed, stressing that HCWs may represent a significant reservoir for pertussis infection in high risk groups (e.g. children/newborns, frail elderly).
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