Salmonella and Listeria spp. are frequently detected in poultry meats. Conventional isolation and identification methods to detect these microrganisms in food are laborious and time-consuming. In the present study the occurrence of Salmonellae and Listeriae on 362 samples of retail poultry in Caserta, South Italy was evaluated and standard microbiological and rapid methods were compared. Furthermore, the samples were collected and analyzed twice a week, on Monday and Friday to establish their possible variability from storage. Both methods showed a strong contamination of samples by Listeria spp. (about 50% for both methods) with 12% Listeria monocytogenes while the contamination of Salmonella was poorer (14-15%). The two procedures showed a good agreement for the detection of Listeriae while the sensitivity of the Rapid test for Salmonellae was poorer (75%). Data about sampling on Monday and Friday highlighted a significant increase in Listeria spp. at the end of the week.