“PErCEIVE in Umbria”: Evaluation of anti-influenza vaccination's perception among Umbrian Pharmacists


Anti-flu vaccine
Vaccine Knowledge
Vaccine attitude
cross sectional study


Vaccines recommendations are available for both healthcare professionals and the general public, but although the vaccination is the most effective method to prevent infectious diseases, the coverage is still behind the recommended rate.  In Italy, according to a recent study, the anti-flu vaccination rate among healthcare worker range between 9% to 30%. The aim of our study was to identify knowledge, attitude and behaviours regarding influenza vaccination among community pharmacists in order to increase the coverage rate among healthcare professional. “PErCEIVE (Pharmacist pERCEption on Influenza VaccinE) in Umbria” was a cross sectional survey among community pharmacists in Umbria conducted between 16th November 2015 to 29th February 2016. The questionnaire was anonymous, on-line self-administered survey.Statistical analysis were performed using STATA/SE 12 software. The response rate was 28.91% (n= 72/249). Among the studied population 76.39% (n=55) had never performed influenza vaccine during the previous 5 years. Regarding source of information, only 15.28% of the subjects (n=11) consulted the scientific publications, vs 52.78% (n=38) who did not show any kind of interest upon the influenza vaccine. Our results show a low attitude to be vaccinated among pharmacists together with a low grade of awareness regarding the important role that pharmacists might play in order to reduce influenza burden, to promote health literacy among their patients and to decrease the risk of patients infection. Pharmacists might be crucial healthcare workers involved in health promotion, in vaccines’ uptake and practices progression. 



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