Introduction: Hospital infections, or “healthcare associated infections” (HAI) represent the most frequent and serious complications of health care. Hence, there is a necessity to adopt safe care practices which are able to prevent or control the transmission of infections both in hospitals and in all non hospital healthcare facilities. The aim of this investigation is to assess the knowledge of the risk and the most effective means of prevention of HAI in the University of Ferrara nursing school students, giving particular attention to hand hygiene practices and the use of standard prophylactic precautions. Methods: The study enlisted a sample consisting of 339 students by first, second and third year nursing school students of the same academic year. An anonymous questionnaire was administered in order to investigate the knowledge of the students about three specific areas: infections associated with care practices (HAI), standard precautions (SP) and hand hygiene (HH). Results: The results showed a sufficient level of knowledge by all three groups of students, only in the section regarding SP. A barely sufficient score was reached only by the third year students with regard to the correct HH. For all the other answers, the level of knowledge shown by the students was inadequate. This is affirmed particularly for the section regarding the HAI. Conclusions: Literature data confirm that the knowledge of nursing students is often inadequate. It would be advisable to periodically check the knowledge of the students to improve training, to reduce HAI and increase their compliance with prevention.
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