Introduction. Hearing is foundamental for human social life.Secretory Otitis Media (SOM) is the most important cause oftrasmissive hypoacusis in early childhood.Methods. The Hygiene Institute in the University of Siena incollaboration with the Thermal Baths ?Bagni delleGalleraie? proposed a prevention and cure campaign ofrhinogenous deafness in June 2002 in some primary schoolsin the Colle val D?Elsa district. A sample of 87 children wasinvolved in the study (average age of 5,64 ± 1,41 years). Onentering the thermal baths a questionnaire was administeredto the parents, to point out possible risk factors. Results.Results. Among the 87 children, 28 cases of SOM and 21cases of severe tubal disorder were found. Only 19 cases out of 49 were already known to the parents and only 28 joinedthe study and were examined for three years consecutively. Discussion. Out of the 35 children examined in 2002, 28 returned to ?The Galleraie? for the two following years. Theyrepeated the thermal cure for two years as a preventive measure. At present they are not affected by SOM and during thewinters suffered a lower number of infections in the primaryairways and took less antibiotics.Conclusions. Our study focuses on infant school childrenbecause of their critical age for linguistic and social development. Early diagnosis and therapy prevent any negativesocial development.