The aim of the presents study was to compare the level of knowledge about Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in vaccinated and non-vaccinated girls and to highlight the reasons why non-vaccinated girls refuse vaccination.
A cross-sectional study was conducted from October 2012 to June2013 inTurin (Piemonte Region, Italy). Questionnaires were administered to girls attending secondary and high schools randomly selected.
A total of 576 were compiled. The principle sources of information were parents and health workers. The main reported reasons for non-adherence to vaccination were the disagreement of the parents among the 11-12 years group (45.3%) and the lack of evidence on efficacy among the 18 years group (26.8%). By comparing the level of knowledge there was a statistically significant difference between groups: vaccinated girls reported higher score than the unvaccinated group in several questions (p≤0.05).
Our findings show a lack of information about HPV infection. Parents, school and health care workers have a central role in girlâs education and choices about HPV vaccination.
The communication campaign for the prevention of cervical cancer must therefore be characterised by messages able to clarify and consolidate messages that may have been partially received or misunderstood.
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