Introduction: Failure to thrive (FTT) in children is one of the most important health issues around the world especially in developing countries. Failure to identify and control this health problem may lead to dangerous health consequences in children. The aim of the research was to explore the risk factors for this health problem in infants under two years old in Urmia, Northwest of Iran.
Methods: This case-control study carried out on 445 infants of 6 to 24 months (180 as cases, and 265 as controls) in Urmia, Northwest of Iran during 2013. The study samples were selected from six health centers using the purposeful sampling method. To collect data, a questionnaire including items regarding sociodemographics of children family, demographic and nutrition-related variables of infants was utilized. To analysis data and determine the real effect of factors on growth status of infants, we applied chi-square test, independent t test and logistic regression analysis in SPSS software version 16.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
Results: The regression analysis revealed that education level of infants mother [AOR=1.421, 95% CI (1.172, 1.724)], duration of breast feeding [AOR= 1.859, 95% CI (1.212, 2.852)], birth weight of infants [AOR= 2.777, 95% CI (1.276, 7.166)], family monthly income [AOR= 1.492, 95% CI (1.117, 2.230)] were correlated with FTT as significant risk factors (P<0.05). But birth order of infants [AOR= .741, 95% CI (.573-.958)] was appeared as a protective factor for children growth (P<0.05).
Discussion: The findings of the study can contribute health care providers in designing and implementing appropriate interventions for improving children health. Also educating mothers/caretakers on the importance of healthy growth of children can be useful in preventing dangerous diseases in children.
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