Introduction. The aim of this survey was to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative relationship among women from Barletta - a national renowned wine center - and their alcohol consumption. Methods. The AUDIT questionnaire was used to assess the prevalence of alcohol hazardous consumption among women. Questionnaires were submitted from March to November 2012. The sample was composed of 150 women older than 13 years of age, selected by stratified sampling based on age group. Results. 107 women were enrolled with a total response rate of 71.3%. 62% of enrolled women consumes alcoholic beverages with a frequency that goes from 2-3 times a week to less than once a month, usually 1 or 2 alcoholic units. The binge-drinking was reported by 5% of women. Women who reported alcohol-related risk behaviors were less than 3%, they were single and between 18 and 60 years old and such behaviors occur less than once a month. The final score, calculated for all the women from their questionnaire answers, was not higher than 8, with an average score of 1.3 (SD = 1.5; range: 0 to 2.8). The comparison of the average scores of the three age groups showed a statistically sig- nificant difference (F = 5.8, p = 0.004). Discussion. Data from literature showed a change in the habits of alcohol intake by the global, European and also Italian population. These changes also affect and involve female. Our study found a quite moderate alcohol consumption among women from Barletta, with only 1% who consumes 3 or more alcohol units and drink more than four times a week and 3% who had hazardous behavior related to their alcohol consumption. Statistical significance was found for the age and the lack of stable relationships. The analysis of characteristics of at risk women (old age and single-status) suggests that much attention should be paid to them and they should represent the main subject of future social interventions to prevent alcohol related problems in the city of Barletta.References
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