Relationship of Internet addiction with self-esteem and depression in university students


Internet addiction


Background. The aim of the study was to investigate the rela- tionship of self-esteem and depression with Internet addiction in university students. Methods. The present descriptive-analytic correlation study involved 408 students (150 female and 258 male) who had been selected by means of a cluster sampling method from among all the students studying in Birjand Islamic Azad University. Students were evalu- ated through the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Cooper Smith Self-Esteem Inventory (CSEI) and Internet Addiction Test (IAT). Results. The results indicated that 40.7% of the students had Internet addiction. A significant correlation emerged between depression, self-esteem and internet addiction. Regression analy- sis indicated that depression and self-esteem were able to predict the variance of Internet addiction to some extent. Conclusions. It may be important to evaluate self-esteem and depression in people with Internet addiction. These variables should be targeted for effective cognitive behavioral therapy in people with Internet addiction.


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