Barriers and challenges of establishing family physician policy for urban population; evidence from a qualitative study in Iran


Family Physician, scoping review, qualitative study, Iran


Background: Family physicians hold a central role within the healthcare service delivery systems of most nations. In the context of Iran, although the family physician program has been introduced in only two provinces, its expansion to other provinces has encountered certain obstacles and is presently suspended. This study is centered on elucidating the barriers and challenges that hinder the effective implementation of the family physician program in urban areas of Iran. Methods: The qualitative nature of this study dictated the selection of participants via purposeful sampling, comprising health system policy-makers, senior administrators, and physicians. To gather the insights of these experts, a semi-structured interview approach was employed. The interviewing process persisted until data saturation was achieved, yielding a total of 32 participants. Analytically, the grounded theory approach was employed to meticulously analyze the collected data. This involved the formulation of open and axial codes, subsequently progressing to selective coding, which facilitated the identification of overarching themes and corresponding sub-themes. Results: The preeminent challenge encountered in the endeavor to implement the urban family physician program was ascribed to conflicting interests among stakeholders, a challenge that occupied the central position as the core category. Delving deeper, factors precipitating this challenge included the intricacies of the payment mechanism, and contextual variables encompassing stewardship, structural intricacies, financial considerations, and cultural elements. The main stakeholders, including specialist physicians, reacted resistance against the implementation. Reverse referral was also another coping strategy by specialist physicians. This collective array of factors coalesced to thwart the nationwide rollout of the policy initiative. Conclusions: The resolution of the impediments to implementing urban family physician policies necessitates a comprehensive re-evaluation of stakeholders and restructuring of payment system. Furthermore, proactive efforts towards resolving the intricate contextual challenges within the healthcare system are imperative to facilitate the successful implementation of these policies.


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