Background: Iron and vitamin D3 deficiency is one of the major global health problems in teenagers and adolescent population. It can have a negative impact during phases of rapid growth, increasing susceptibility to infection, autoimmune and other chronic disease. This study was aimed to determine the utilization of Iron and Vitamin D Supplementations Program (IVDSP) in high schools’ girls in Qom city.
Methods: In a cross sectional study, the pattern of iron and D3 consumption based on IVDSP on 400 high schools’ girl in Qom, Iran assesses. Data collection was used by a reliable and standard researcher based questionnaire and daily, weekly, monthly and seasonally consumption of complementary in schools including iron and vitamin D3 consumption based on CTP as well as home consumption of other complementary minerals including folic acid, Calcium, Zinc, Vitamin C, Multi Vitamin, Vitamin B, and Other complementary drugs were gathered. Data analysis conducted using SPSS version 20 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) by chi square and independent t-test.
Result: The mean age of subjects was 15.14±1.52 years and ranged from 12 to 18 years old. The total weekly prevalence of D3 and iron consumption in high schools’ girls was calculated 36.73% and the weekly prevalence of Iron and monthly prevalence of Vitamin D3 consumption was 33.75% and 40.5%, respectively. The most common causes of non-consumption were bad taste 49.31%, Iranian made drug 20.27%, drug sensitivity 19.82% and drug interaction 10.60%, respectively. Our results showed that contribution of students in explanatory sessions (P=0.003), contribution of students in school sessions (P=0.001) were predictor variables for better complementary consumption in high schools
Conclusion: The inadequate and incomplete rate of IVDSP in Qom was high and more than 60% of distributed supplementations have been wasted. Our results showed that students who were participated in educational orientation classes were more successful and eager in iron and vitamin D3 consumption. Therefore, it is recommended to increase interventions at individual, interpersonal, intra-organizational and inter-organizational levels in order to fully support the program and ultimately increase the efficiency of the program.
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