Introduction. Falling is a serious problem for all ages. There are several tests to assess balance. mini-BESTest and brief-BESTest are balance tests for which there are no normative values for Iranian people. We aimed to provide the normative values of mini-BESTest and brief-BESTest among healthy Iranian adults.
Methods. A cross-sectional study was designed. Three hundred healthy adults (150 males and 150 females) in six age groups (18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, +79 years) completed the tests using Persian mini-BESTest and brief-BESTest. Normative values were calculated for age groups.
Results: Normative values of mini-BESTest and brief- BESTest decreased significantly with age (from 27 to 21.9 for mini-BESTest and from 22.9 to 15.4 for brief BESTest). There were no significant differences between genders except for females in 30-39 and 40-49 years age groups which scored better on brief-BESTest and mini-BESTest, respectively. Males had significantly scored better in brief- BESTest in 60-69 and ≥70 age groups.
Conclusions: The normative values of the mini-BESTest and brief- BESTest provided for healthy Iranian adults can help clinicians when assessing subjects with balance dysfunction.
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