Introduction: Substantial research evidence indicates that adolescents commonly use a variety of pharmaceuticals. Studies in this area carried out so far in Poland have focused on youth attending mainstream schools. However, there is a lack of research covering adolescents residing in special education centres (SEC). The purpose of the study was to assess the prevalence of medicine use for negative emotional states (nervousness, difficulties in falling asleep, and depressive mood), and to identify factors associated with the use of the aforementioned medications by SEC youth.
Material and methods: The study was conducted in 2018 on a random nationwide sample of SEC adolescents aged 12-19 (N=1730). The logistic regression analyses included sociodemographic variables, as well as factors related to the participant’s individual characteristics and to their social environment.
Results: Medicine use for negative emotional states was confirmed by about 24% - 30% of respondents. The prevalence of these medicine use among SEC youth was significantly higher than among adolescents from mainstream schools. The individual risk factors associated with medicine use were gender (female), current mental and somatic health problems, past suicide attempts and psychoactive substances use while self-control turned out to be protective factor. Among factors related to the respondents' social environment, positive relationships with peers were significant protective factor.
Conclusions: Preventive measures aimed at SEC youth should be focused on improving positive relationships with peers and developing self-control. Educational programs for youth, their parents and SEC staff to develop knowledge and skills regarding safe medicines intake would also be useful.
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