Demographic and clinical characteristics associated with tobacco smoking and alcohol use disorder among heterosexual people living with HIV in West Papua, Indonesia


Alcohol use


Introduction: Tobacco smoking and Alcohol use disorder (AUD) are common among People living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV), which is associated with increased mortality and morbidity. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of tobacco smoking and AUD, as well as assess the factors associated with tobacco smoking and AUD among heterosexual PLHIV in West Papua.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving PLHIV on antiretroviral therapy (ART) at the voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) clinic in Manokwari, Sorong City, and Fak-Fak district. Data were collected from 237 PLHIV using a consecutive sampling technique and interview. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the prevalence and estimate the factors associated with current tobacco smoking and AUD.

Results: The prevalence of tobacco smoking and AUD among PLHIV was 30.8% and 34.6%, respectively. There were statistically significant associated between tobacco smoking and gender (OR=2.881, CI=2.201-3.772), occupation (OR=1.375, CI=1.116-1.622), CD4+ count (OR=1.865, CI=1.865, CI=1.068-3.259) and opportunistic infections (OR=1.348, CI=1.054-1.7240. In addition, there were statistically significant associated between AUD and gender (OR=2.951, CI=2.16-3.930), occupation (OR=1.392, CI=1.178-1.645), CD4+ count (OR=1.769, CI=1.031-3.073), and opportunistic infections (OR=1.445, CI=1.134-1.842).

Conclusions: Gender, occupation, CD4+ count levels, and opportunistic infection factors were associated with tobacco smoking and AUD among heterosexual PLHIV in West Papua. These findings highlight the critical need for an efficient cigarette and alcohol use control program for PLHIV in developing countries such as Indonesia, especially in West Papua.


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