Covid-19: yesterday, today and tomorrow. The quality of Covid-19 management and the evaluation of the “Health” chapter of the Recovery Plan.


Quality management
Local health
Digital healthcare
Recovery Plan


Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic represented an unprecedented challenge for the healthcare world and the introduction of a new stronger and believable project plays a fundamental role for the quality of work and the provision of qualitative care.

Aim: The survey provided by ASIQUAS aims to examines the impact of “Health” chapter included in the Recovery Plan, through the assessment of management quality of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Methods: Starting from a literature review, in September 2021, a web-based survey has been conducted and administered by email.

It has been taken into account measures widely used by different healthcare structures in order to analyze the projects implemented in the face of pandemic and to evaluate the new real possibility to invest funds in new healthcare structures and projects.


The survey consists of 19 multiple choices and respondents were from different types of structures, including regional departments and regional health agencies (1.4%), universities, research centers and IRCCS (11%), hospitals and university polyclinics (34.2%), Local Health Authorities (39.7%), socio-health organizations and Others (13,7%).

The pandemic has highlighted many vulnerabilities at both hospitals and territorial level. The major weaknesses revealed by the survey are mainly due to.the lack of support from new staff units and poor availability of specific training tools for Covid-19 procedures.

The Recovery Plan is still unclear with a lot of concern about the implementation and many limits of diffusion.

Conclusions: It becomes essential to guarantee a new effective and interoperative model of integration.

Today we can start more aware for the implementation of a system closer to everyone’s needs, making shortcomings the new strength and starting point.


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