Introduction: The voluntary interruption of pregnancy (VIP) is a complex process, influenced both by health and psychosocial factors, which in turn affect the health and well-being of the women. The objective of this study is to describe the characteristics of repeat VIPs in Spain.
Methods: Cross-sectional study of the VIP episodes carried out at the request of the women themselves in Spain during 2018. The factors related to repeat VIPs are described according to the origin of the women, estimating the crude and adjusted prevalence odds ratio (OR).
Results: The highest rates of VIP occurred in women aged 20 to 24 years. The probability of a second VIP, both in Spanish women and those of foreign origin, increased with age, with the size of the population (> 50,000 inhabitants), and with dependent children.
Conclusions: According to the data from our study, knowing the factors related to the recurrence of voluntary interruptions of pregnancy allows us to draw up more effective and specific strategies for promoting safe and accessible sexual and reproductive health.
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