Objective: Aim of our study is to assess interactions between the moral sensitivity of physicians and the satisfaction of patients.
Methods: Data were collected through a standard questionnaire of the physicians’ moral sensitivity for decision-making and a researcher-made patient satisfaction questionnaire. All information were analyzed by SPSS statistical software version 23. Results: Mean score for physicians’ moral sensitivity was 91.6±0.63 which shows a high level of moral sensitivity. The average patient satisfaction was 61.97±3.55 out of the total score (23-115) which shows a moderate level of satisfaction with the highest scores in the domain of "professionalism" and the lowest scores were related to the domain of "Technical Quality of Care Conclusion: For improving patient satisfaction, adopting appropriate strategies like performing the periodic evaluation of this phenomenon, and providing some codified training in this regard are required to increase the level of moral sensitivity of physicians and provide high-quality care.
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