Introduction: Social campaigns concerning vaccinations against human papillomavirus (HPV) in Poland are mainly addressed to women. In addition to cervical cancer, anal, penile, and oropharyngeal cancers can be caused by the virus, which clearly affects men as well. HPV vaccinations are voluntary and mostly not refunded in Poland.
Methods: A survey was published on social media’s group gathering males and contained questions concerning epidemiological data, knowledge about HPV, and opinions of HPV vaccination. A questionnaire was enriched with educational note regarding HPV-dependent cancers and available vaccines against HPV in Poland.
Results: Because of age limitations, 169 males (115 heterosexuals, 48 homosexuals) aged 14-39 were chosen for the study. Seventy-five percent of heterosexual and 88% of homosexual men were aware of HPV, but less than 4% and 17% (respectively) were vaccinated against the virus. Main sources of knowledge about HPV were the Internet (61%), media (28%) and relatives (27%). HPV infection was linked with the development of anal and oropharyngeal cancers by 28%, and 37% of heterosexual males, compared with 56.3% and 43.8% of homosexual males. The majority of respondents (88%) indicated that all genders should be vaccinated, although only 57% were aware of HPV vaccination availability in Poland.
Conclusions: The men are at risk of HPV-related cancers and the danger is poorly understood amongst Polish men. Despite awareness of HPV vaccines, the vaccination rate is low. Consequently, there is a serious need to broaden educational with a special attention to LGBTQ+ communities.
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