Nursing students’ experience of risk assessment, prevention and management: a systematic review


patient safety
clinical risk
nursing curriculum
nursing student


Introduction:  As a fundamental dimension of quality, the patient safety and healthcare workers safety in the healthcare environment depend on the ability of each healthcare workers (whether administrators or technicians) to reduce the probability of error. This review focused on nursing students. The aim was to assess level and determinants of knowledge about risk assessment, risk prevention and risk management of nursing students.

Methods: A systematic review was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. Two reviewers searched the bibliographic databases Pubmed, Scopus and Cinahl to collect all the available articles in English and Italian issued between 2015 and August 2019. To obtain an exhaustive string search, the following keywords were combined through Boolean operators AND and OR: Clinical Risk Assessment, Nursing Education, Nursing Student*, Patient Safety. The authors assessed the quality of the evidence by using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) method. 

Results: Twelve papers are included. Although the literature on the nursing student's error is limited, their frequencies are worrying. Some authors have created a model of prevention of clinical error based on three level. However, the majority of nursing students don’t felt confident with a patient safety. Many authors shown that patient safety education was delivery by lecture, laboratory or simulation sessions.

Conclusions: This review underlines the need to revise the nursing curriculum on patient safety and the need to think what educational methodology is the better for the student to create a safe care.


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