Universal Health Coverage to counteract the economic impact of the COVID-19 infection


COVID-19; economic crisis; health crisis; health policy; health financing; universal health coverage


In December 2019, the first case of Coronavirus was identified. The novel virus appears to be highly contagious and is rapidly spreading worldwide, becoming a pandemic. The disease is causing a high toll of deaths. Effective public health response to a new infectious disease is expected to mitigate and counteract its negative impact on the population. However, time and economic-financial constraints, as well as uncertainty, can jeopardize the answer. Appropriate financing of the health system and ensuring equitable access to health services for all can protect individuals against high medical costs, which is one of the most important goals of any health system. Financing profoundly affects the performance of the health system, and any policy that the health system decides to implement or not directly depends on the amount of available funding. Various countries are injecting new funding to cope with the disease and prevent it faster. In addition to psychological support and increased social participation for the prevention, control, and treatment of COVID-19, extensive financial support to governments by the community should be considered. Developed and rich countries should support countries that do not have financial viability. This disease cannot be controlled without international cooperation. The experience of the COVID-19 should be a lesson for further developing universal health coverage in all countries. In addition to promoting equity in health, appropriate infrastructure is provided to address these crises. Governments should make a stronger political commitment to implement this crucial policy fully.



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