Factors influencing flu vaccination in nursing students at Palermo University


Surveys and Questionnaires; Nursing students; Sicily; Cross-sectional study; Influenza Vaccine.


Introduction. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the determinants of nursing students’ compliance with flu vaccination.

Methods. In this cross-sectional study, an anonymous paper ques- tionnaire was administered to students attending the 3-year nurs- ing course at the University of Palermo. Adjusted Odds Ratios (aOR) are presented.

Results. 403 nursing students (65% female) completed the ques- tionnaire (response rate 98.5%). The average age of the respond- ents was 22.0 years (SD ± 3.04). The dependent variable: “In the next season, do you intend to be vaccinated against flu? Yes”, displayed a statistically significant association with the follow- ing independent variables: “year of study: second” (aOR 2.66), “year of study: third” (aOR 1.72), “Perceived health status: medium-high” (aOR 6.61), “Did you get vaccinated against sea- sonal flu last year? Yes” (aOR 22.47).

Conclusions. Although nursing students are not yet health pro- fessionals, they spend part of their time in health facilities for their clinical training and will be the health workers of the future. Involving nursing students in influenza vaccination campaigns can also help them take better care of themselves and their patients.



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