Reconstruction of asbestos exposure in cases of workers suffering from pleural neoplasms and employed in sectors not generally associated with high exposure levels: the importance of an accurate standardized assessment of occupational medicine.


pleural mesothelioma
standardized occupational medicine assessment



Malignant pleural mesothelioma onset in workers exposed to asbestos is well known with reference to multiple working sectors. In some cases, occurring among workers of sectors characterized by a presumed lower relevance of asbestos exposure, the absence of a well-defined correlation can prevent their emergence and compensation. To improve definition of these cases, this article underlines the importance of a standardized approach to occupational anamnesis.


Thorough standardized occupational health assessment method application in a case of pleural malignant neoplasm occurred in a hauler, a job generally not associated with high levels of exposure to asbestos fibers.


Assessment of malignant pleural mesothelioma diagnosis and dual mode relevantoccupational exposure to asbestos during both truck driving and loading and unloading operations of asbestos-containing goods.


Systematic occupational medicine assessment with accurate standardized approach is essential for reconstruction of asbestos exposure, in order to highlight every aspect useful to establish causal link between cases of pleural mesothelioma and possible occupational and non-occupational exposure to the mineral, even in cases where the first-level occupational history does not appear to be suggestive.


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