Prevalence of consumption of psychoactive substances amongst construction workers


construction workers
addictive substances


Introduction: The prevalence of psychoactive substance is constantly increasing in developing countries, and all professional sectors are concerned. Construction sector is a particular target because of the heavy workload as well as family and social isolation. However, few studies have investigated toxic habits in this population. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of the use and misuse of addictive substances in construction workers and to appreciate poly-consumptions according to socio-demographic and occupational characteristics. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted amongst 1,128 construction workers. Subjects filled a questionnaire during their medical examination. The questionnaire covered socio-demographic and occupational characteristics, toxic habits (tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and others psychotropic substances). The misuse was assessed by specific tests: dependence on smoking tobacco (Fagerstrom), Cannabis Abuse Screening Test (CAST) and Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT).

Results: The prevalence of consumption was 47.9% for smoking tobacco, 12.7% for cannabis, and 20.1% for alcohol. Amongst consumers, the prevalence of dependence or misuse was 68% for smoking tobacco, 70.6% for cannabis and 63% for alcohol. 486 (43.1%) people had no toxic habit. 36.1% had one toxic habit, 16.3% had two toxic habits, 4.8% had three toxic habits and 0.09% had four toxic habits. The most frequent associations were tobacco-alcohol (8.1%) and tobacco-cannabis (3.7%).

Conclusions: The elaboration of the prevention approach needs a cooperative spirit. It will be more accepted and applied if all construction workers and their representatives are involved in its preparation.


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