Analysis of influenza vaccination coverage among the elderly in Genoa (Italy) based on a deprivation index, 2009-2013


Influenza vaccination
Vaccine coverage


Elderly use to develop more complications after influenza and the 90% of deaths for influenza regards them. Indeed, they are among the major target of vaccination campaigns. The use of deprivation indices can help to identify subgroups with lower vaccine uptake. This work was aimed to analyze vaccination coverage of elderly living in Genoa using a local Index of Socio-Economic and Health Deprivation (SEHDI) in order to identify subgroups of population needing specific actions to improve vaccination coverage.
The target population was the population aged ≥65 years living in Genoa in the 2009-2013 period. Information about vaccination coverage derived from general practitioners. A combination of linear regression, factor analysis and cluster analysis was used to build the SEHDI at Census Tract (CT) level, deriving data from the 2011 Italian census.
In Genoa, in 2011, people aged ≥65 years represented the 27.7% of the population. The majority of elderly belonged to medium (45.3%) and medium-high (32%) deprivation groups, while the percentages in the extreme tails were low (3.6% high deprived; 1.3% low deprived). Significant not linear (p<0.05 NL) relationships were observed in both sexes for all respiratory diseases (RD) and COPD mortality, with the highest SMRs values in the high deprivation group of women (1.81, p<0.05 RD; 1.79, p<0.05 COPD). The SMRs for influenza and pneumonia showed a linear positive trend in women (p<0.05), with the highest value in the high deprived (1.97, p<0.05), while in men the trend was NL (p<0.05). A positive linear trend (p<0.05) was found for vaccination coverage, weakly growing at deprivation increase until the medium-high deprived group (from 34.6% to 44.4%), but the high deprivation group showed the lowest value (33,3%).
The results displayed a positive relationship between deprivation and vaccination coverage. This finding should be taken into account in the organization of vaccination campaigns and should call for differentiated actions in each small areas.


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