The reliability of self-reporting chronic diseases: how reliable is the result of population-based cohort studies


chronic diseases


Objectives: To evaluate the reliability of self-reporting chronic diseases in the baseline data of the Ravansar Non-Communicable Diseases (RaNCD) cohort study in Kermanshah province, western Iran.

Methods: The study was conducted in RaNCD cohort study. To assess the reliability of self-report of chronic disease, a random sample of 202 participants were asked about some of chronic conditions 30-35 days (mean=32) after recruitment.

Results: A range of kappa agreement between 39.52-100%, which the lower statistics was for hypertension and hepatitis and the higher one for cancer, cardiac ischemic, and diabetes.

Conclusion: The self-report of chronic diseases was highly reliable. Therefore self-reporting data for some conditions can be used in situations where the validity is acceptable.


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