Few studies analyzed the diffusion of vocal alterations especially
in childhood. Aim of our study was to quantify the numbers of
subjects, in paediatric age, in which dysphonia was diagnosed in
our department of Phoniatrics, during a period of 5 years, (January
2002-December 2006), and also to evaluate the influence of
some potential risk factors. In the considered period it emerged
that the diagnosis of dysphonia was made in 312 children (17.2%
of the patients affected from dysphonia), aged between 2 and
16 years old, with a major prevalence amongst males (57%)
than females (43%). On the contrary in the adult population the
prevalence was: 23% in males and 77% in females. In paediatric
population, the most affected range of age is the one between 8
and 14, in both male and female gender (59.6%). In 82.4% of
the cases there were vocal fold lesions. The 90.3% of children
with vocal fold alterations presented lesions secondary to vocal
abuse and misuse and classifiable as functional dysphonia. The
proportion of functional dysphonia in our sample was 92%. The
65% of children belonged to large families with more than two
children, and the 30% had a family history of dysphonia (brothers,
parents). The study of the behavioural characteristics has
shown aggressive and hyperactive attitudes in 83% of the cases.
Since in the ethiopathogenesis of the childhood dysphonia the
tendency to vocal abuse has a predominant role, it would be
useful to encourage the diffusion of programmes of information
to show the risks linked to this abuse in children, in order to
prevent the development of dysphonia in paediatric age.